3.3.3. Observations File

The observations contains the set of field measurements used in the inversion. This file contains all necessary survey information including: the number of transmitters, transmitter geometry, observation locations, frequencies, observed fields and uncertainties.


Bolded entries are fixed flags recognized by the Fortran codes and blue hyperlinked entries are values/regular expressions specified by the user

The lines the observations file are formatted as follows:

IGNORE reg_exp

N_TRX \(\;\) n_trx

N_RECV \(\;\) n_recv
N_TIME \(\;\) n_time
\(\;\;\) Data Array

N_RECV \(\;\) n_recv
N_TIME \(\;\) n_time
\(\;\;\) Data Array

\(\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; \vdots\)

N_RECV \(\;\) n_recv
N_TIME \(\;\) n_time
\(\;\;\) Data Array

Repeat for number of unique transmitters Parameter Descriptions

  • reg_exp: A regular expression denoting which data are ignored during the inversion; examples include -9999 and NaN

  • n_trx: The total number of unique transmitters. Example: N_TRX 3

  • n_recv: The number of receivers collecting field observations for a particular transmitter.

  • n_time: The number of time channels for each receiver

  • Data Array: Contains the X (Easting), Y (Northing), Z (elevation) locations and time channels for all receivers for a particular transmitter. It has has n_recv \(\times\) n_time rows and 22 columns. The time-locations array is organized as follows:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} &| \;\, x_1 \,\; | \;\, y_1 \,\; | \;\, z_1 \,\; | \; t_1 \; | \;\;\; E \; data \;\;\; | \;\;\; H \; data \;\;\; | \;\;\; dB/dt \; data \;\;\; | \\ &| \;\, x_1 \,\; | \;\, y_1 \,\; | \;\, z_1 \,\; | \; t_2 \; | \;\;\; E \; data \;\;\; | \;\;\; H \; data \;\;\; | \;\;\; dB/dt \; data \;\;\; | \\ &\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; \vdots \\ &| \;\, x_1 \,\; | \;\, y_1 \,\; | \;\, z_1 \,\; | \; t_n \; | \;\;\; E \; data \;\;\; | \;\;\; H \; data \;\;\; | \;\;\; dB/dt \; data \;\;\; | \\ &| \;\, x_2 \,\; | \;\, y_2 \,\; | \;\, z_2 \,\; | \; t_1 \; | \;\;\; E \; data \;\;\; | \;\;\; H \; data \;\;\; | \;\;\; dB/dt \; data \;\;\; | \\ &| \;\, x_2 \,\; | \;\, y_2 \,\; | \;\, z_2 \,\; | \; t_2 \; | \;\;\; E \; data \;\;\; | \;\;\; H \; data \;\;\; | \;\;\; dB/dt \; data \;\;\; | \\ &\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; \vdots \\ &| \;\, x_2 \,\; | \;\, y_2 \,\; | \;\, z_2 \,\; | \; t_n \; | \;\;\; E \; data \;\;\; | \;\;\; H \; data \;\;\; | \;\;\; dB/dt \; data \;\;\; | \\ &\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; \vdots \\ &\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; \vdots \\ &\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; \vdots \\ &| \; x_m \; | \; y_m \; | \; z_m \; | \; t_1 \; | \;\;\; E \; data \;\;\; | \;\;\; H \; data \;\;\; | \;\;\; dB/dt \; data \;\;\; | \\ &| \; x_m \; | \; y_m \; | \; z_m \; | \; t_2 \; | \;\;\; E \; data \;\;\; | \;\;\; H \; data \;\;\; | \;\;\; dB/dt \; data \;\;\; | \\ &\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; \vdots \\ &| \; x_m \; | \; y_m \; | \; z_m \; | \; t_n \; | \;\;\; E \; data \;\;\; | \;\;\; H \; data \;\;\; | \;\;\; dB/dt \; data \;\;\; | \end{align}\end{split}\]

such that \(E \; data\) is in units V/m and is comprised of 6 columns:

\[| \; E_x \; | \; E_x \; Unc. \; | \; E_y \; | \; E_y \; Unc. \; | \; E_z \; | \; E_z \; Unc. \; |\]

\(H \; data\) is in units A/m and is comprised of 6 columns:

\[| \; H_x \; | \; H_x \; Unc. \; | \; H_y \; | \; H_y \; Unc. \; | \; H_z \; | \; H_z \; Unc. \; |\]

and \(dB/dt \; data\) is in units T/s and is comprised of 6 columns:

\[| \; dB_x/dt \; | \; dB_x/dt \; Unc. \; | \; dB_y/dt \; | \; dB_y/dt \; Unc. \; | \; -dB_z/dt \; | \; -dB_z/dt \; Unc. \; |\]


  • The data are represented in a left-handed coordinate system where X is Easting, Y is Northing and Z is +ve downward.

  • The vertical component of dB/dt is represented using \(\mathbf{-dB_z/dt}\) !!! This is done due to a common plotting convention. The associated uncertainties are still positive values however! Defining Transmitters

There are two types of transmitters that TDoctree survey files can use. These were defined in the survey file section.